I don't know about you, but for me these weeks and months just seem to fly by. It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote last week's To Do Tuesday post. Now I've gotta go check it, to see if I can say I actually crossed anything off of it.....hold on. Ok, I am back... I did just about everything off my list last week and even did some yard work HOLY CRAPOLA, I am not a big fan of the whole outside, getting dirty kinda work but someone's gotta do it, right?
So here is this week's list, which I can tell ya right now I'm not "all about" doing or even writing.
Have a great week!
So here is this week's list, which I can tell ya right now I'm not "all about" doing or even writing.
- Dinner list for the week (I'm so sick of the same ol'- same ol')
- Clip all my coupons/Grocery-Shopping List (then actually go do it)
- Board of Education Meeting Wednesday night (that will be a snooze-fest)
- Clean out my coffee table and go through the papers/magazines (every damn week I gotta do this, never ends)
- Put together the Easter Baskets Thomas and I shopped for, to donate to needy kids at his school. (I normally donate to our local shelter/food bank, but this year I thought it would be nice to give to someone at the school)
- More decluttering (I did a closet last week, this week I wanna work on my laundry room)
- Plant my pansies in the window boxes in front of the house (bought them Sunday at Lowes)
- Mulch the gardens (only the ones in front of the house that I raked out on Sunday...the back yard still needs to be done, there is still probably a week's worth of cleaning ,raking, planting, mulching and painting that needs to be done outside *sigh*)
- Get my hair cut on Thursday
- Easter gifts/baskets for my boys (the grandbaby too)
- Stick to the diet (omg, I sucked so bad at this last week..not even funny)
- Blog stuff (I have been a bad-bad blogger lately...not really posting or commenting like I should)
- Budget/bill paying (SUCKY, SUCKY, SUCKY) That is all I gotta say about that one!
- Last but not least...WIN THE LOTTO (I am hoping that by writing it every week and putting it out there in the universe, that somehow it will happen eventually)
Have a great week!
Wow, I need to get back into doing, this list it helps me keep on track.
my favorite was the
Dinner list for the week (I'm so sick of the same ol'- same ol')
I am tired of the same old recipes too. my wife has been making meals and then if we like it she will put it into recipe organizer that way she keeps it and we always have something good to eat. yeah!
Hey girl! I so totally and completely apologize for not getting the list up last week. I wrote about what's up in my list today (better late than never!) Forgive me, sugar lips? he he
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