This whole "To Do Tuesday" list making crap is the brain-child of Lisa over at CrazyAdventuresInParenting.com. She thinks that if we blog and share our weekly "to do lists" it will help keep up on our toes and not be slackers. Well, it doesn't always work for me.....what the hell? Every week I am all gung-ho on Tuesday to come up with all these great things I want/need to accomplish and then by the next Monday night I am like, "shit, did I get anything crossed off my list?" But I am going to keep doing it every single friggin week til I get my act together.
Sooooooo, let's try this again....
Have a great week..
Sooooooo, let's try this again....
- Steam clean carpets (it is supposed to be in the 50's and 60's this week)
- Grocery/Walmart lists (already cut coupons, just need to get rid of expired ones and file the new ones)
- Plan out dinners for the week (need to get back to this, I really did much better when I planned it all out, ya know for those 2 whole weeks??) such a slacker, not even funny!!
- Stay the freak on my diet (gotta get more of this weight off before my birthday...don't think it will be the 40lbs, but I still gotta try)
- Blog type stuff (got lots of ideas and need to just do them)
- Set up my Dell laptop (the Dell guy was here almost 2 weeks ago to fix it, new hardrive, new motherboard, new keyboard....ummmm probably would have been cheaper to mail me a new one. The stupid thing was only 6 or 7 months old!??) Whatever, not my problem, til the stupid-ass thing dies on me again!! ugh!
- Easter/Spring Decorations and Decor (need to open windows, badly)
- Declutter, Declutter, Declutter (that is similar to my Laundry , Laundry, Laundry) Seriously if I could back a dumpster up to my front door and get rid of 80% of the crap in this house, I WOULD.
- Do budget/bill paying (this job blows..... HATE IT)
Have a great week..
"Seriously if I could back a dumpster up to my front door and get rid of 80% of the crap in this house, I WOULD."
Oh, that would be heaven. Just back it up under the window... thaaat's it...
And then I would finally be rid of my Christmas tree.
your lists always make me soooo tired! LOL
I hear you on the decluttering I am hard at work doing that this week.
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