This is a pic of the PTO Bulletin Board at Thomas' school, he and I worked very hard on it Friday.
Not Sure I was ever so happy for the first day of Spring to be here. It was a particularly rough winter for me, mentally. The weather was the same as it always is here in Northwest Connecticut, so I can't really complain about that. I just need the warmer weather and sunshine, glad we got a taste of it this last week. Don't get me wrong, by mid August I will be bitching that it is so friggin hot and that I'm sick of having the air conditioning on. But for now I'm going to enjoy the Spring-like weather and try to catch the "spring-cleaning-bug"
Happy Spring to you my friend! :)
Happy Spring to you too!!! I also can not wait for the summer, however, you will not hear me bitch about the heat!
I am so glad that spring is here, Happy Spring.
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