Here we go...it's "To Do Tuesday" time again. Like every week, I have such high hopes for the upcoming days and every week I get smacked upside the head with a "yeah right, bitch I don't think so." Last Wednesday my 6 year old washing machine crapped-out on me. ("WTF", you say...ya I know, tell me about it) I did a normal load of clothes and when I opened it to move them into the dryer.... I saw all sorts of plastic parts. "CHRISSSSS, the washing machine just broke!" In my naive mind I thought "oh, just unscrew those 4 bolts, pop out that part and I will take it to Sears, get the part and you can fix it." Ok, says hubby.... Well, 45 mins later a lot of cursing and a ziplock bag full of metal and plastic bits, I took it to Sears and put it on the counter. "Wow, man...that really exploded huh?" (no shit, that is what the dude behind the counter said when I put the parts there and said, "do you have one of these?") Needless to say it was too much money to fix, so we had to buy a new/used one. (which in it's self is a whole other long-ass story, that is a post all on it's own! cuz absolutely NOTHING in my life is easy)
For now, the long story short is .....as of Saturday night I have a washing machine that seems to do it's job.
I also have had some major back pain for the last week, so I don't know how much around the house will actually get done. I do what I can , when I can. This weeks list is short and sweet:
Have a great week!!
For now, the long story short is .....as of Saturday night I have a washing machine that seems to do it's job.
I also have had some major back pain for the last week, so I don't know how much around the house will actually get done. I do what I can , when I can. This weeks list is short and sweet:
- Laundry, Laundry, Laundry
- pay bills, budget list for the month of march
- shopping list/dinner list/clip coupons & throw out expired ones
- Dr's appointment on Thursday morning (we will discuss my blood work I had done and she is going to HAVE to give me something for my back....the Advil is starting to kill my stomach)
- stay focused on the goal of "losing 40lbs by my 40th birthday" / support my mamavation sistas. (not sure I will make that goal, but gotta keep trying)
- remember to take vitamins
- still need to do the research on colleges/scholarships/financial aid for my son.
Have a great week!!
I remember all the college research! I feel for you!!! I can't believe the washer went so wild after only 6 years. No fair!!!
Skinny butt LOL!!!
What's up with your back, honey? As a long time back-pain sufferer, I can empathize and possibly help. Talk to me, woman!
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