Well last week was pretty much a "fail whale" in my book..... although I did get to a few things on the list, ya know the things that had to get done. I was so stressed and overwhelmed from all the details of the PTO Family Dance (which by the way was super fun and we made a profit of over $700...so that is totally awesome for us) Then some family drama got the best of me, and of course there was the whole laptop-shittin-the-bed thing! OMG, I still don't understand how in the hell one minute it is fine and the next , you have to have Dell send you a whole new hard drive and start from scratch?? Who is the asshole that invented viruses..... I would like slap him upside the head!! So anyway.... I am going to try to take it easy on myself this week, focus on my weight loss goals, maybe tackling little projects here and there. But in no way shape-or- form am I going to push myself this week. I am going to stay chipper, happy and focused even if it freakin kills me! So "screw" the recycling, shampooing Thomas' carpet, and I am not even going to think about PTO crap this week!
My "To Do" list for this week is:
- Stay on track with counting my Weight Watchers points ( or do you think I should switch over to counting calories? which to be honest sounds like it must really really SUCK)
- Stay in touch with the Mamavation Sistahood for support and laughs
- Drink water, drink water, drink water (notice I didn't say "alcohol" staying away from that this week, I swear..... I am going to drink water til my eyeballs are yellow)
- Catch up on blog reading. ( due to the fact I had no damn computer last week! ... ok, I will stop being so bitter about that now )
- Daily house cleaning
If you want to join in on the To Do Tuesday list making fun, then head over and see Lisa at Crazy Adventures in Parenting to link up and read all the others.
I wrote my list last night, I would have forgotten to post mine, had at not saw yours on twitter. Good luck with your list this week! :=)
This is my favorite list yet! Glad to see you taking it a bit easy this week! :)
Laundry didn't make the list this week, lol? XOXOXO
OMG, you made me laugh. I love it. WTH is up with the Laptop, holy hell! You sound like me last Christmas/Thanksgiving when I killed not 1 but 2 laptops, cuz I'm awesome like that.
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