Well that week just flew by and I have to confess that I didn't get to a couple of the things on my list from last week. I don't think I have that much going on here this week, so my list is going to be short and sweet.
- Shampoo Thomas' bedroom carpet (this is leftover from last week)
- Cut out coupons/grocery list/shopping (I didn't get to my coupons last week but my dinner menu is already done .....click here )
- Get everything together for the PTO meeting tonight (the Winter Dance is Jan. 22nd)
- Dye my hair ( man-o-man the greys are real bad! gettin old SUCKS )
- Figure out what to make for my Valentine's Day Blog Exchange partner, Robin at Masshole Mommy. ( we were soo giddy when we found out we were getting eachother, the dorks that we are! )
- Start working on special gift ideas for my BFF Laura's 40th Birthday coming up this weekend. ( we have been friends since we were 5, she is more like a sister )
- Consider joining in on the 365 Day Decluttering Challenge ( I saw that one of my fellow To Do Tuesday list makers Another Piece of the Puzzle is doing it. This I will probably tackle on my other blog, the poor thing is soo neglected lately :(
The following is my list for everyday
- Continue on my goal of losing 40lbs by my 40th Birthday by counting my Weight Watcher points and staying accountable with my awesome Mamavation Sistas
- Keeping up on the daily vacuuming, cleaning and the dreaded LAuNdrY
- Continue to post / work on ideas for my blog / reading and commenting on the awesome blogs I follow
That is it for now....so if you want to join in go check out Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting to link up.
HEY! Thanks for adding some sugar to my Pajamas and Coffee! Also WOW and THANKS for adding me to your blogroll! You are now on mine as well. Love your blog design and your insane life- which makes me feel like I belong! ;)
I was about to comment about how I need to add dying my hair to my list, too. But then I saw Mary mention coffee, and all thoughts went out the window. I'm so tired today. I apparently need more coffee pretty badly to have come to a SCREECHING HALT just reading the word LOL
I feel about dishes the way you feel about laundry - ugh! Maybe I should just declutter them. If we only have three plates, we will have to wash them after every meal, LOL.
Thanks for the mention - I'm really having fun with this decluttering project!
Thank you for visiting me from the To-do list crew ;)
have you done anything from your list yet? i suck, i did 3 loads of laundry and that's it, lol
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