"Whewww", is all I have to say......Thank God the Holidays are done-and-over-with. The boys are back to school and my house is clean of all Christmas clutter. I am on to bigger and better things now, making 2010 an awesome year is starting off with my goal of losing 40lbs by my 40th Birthday (May 29th). Looking forward to making it happen! This is the first week of my new year and hopefully a new me... Ok, gonna get right into my "list":
- Eat healthy, stick to my Weight Watchers points system, do my Wii Fit and support all the other "Sistahood Sistas" on Mamavation . ( This is going to be on my list every single week)
- Haircuts for me and the boys (gotta call kelli, the hairdresser today for appointments)
- pay bills
- cut-out coupons/ do grocery list/ shopping / dinner menu for the rest of the week
- babysit my cutie pie grandson Tyler this afternoon for a few hours so his mom can go visit her sick friend in the hospital (20yrs old and was just diagnosed with lung cancer.... horrible)
- keep-up on the laundry... ( I am on such a roll and don't want to get behind again )
- get out the carpet cleaner and do Thomas' bedroom rug, it is sooo gross looking (ewwww)
- catch up on my blog reading (an other thing I should just list as an every week chore)
- work on the Winter Dance at my son's school coming up on the 22nd of Jan. ( no one is doing anything for it.... WTF?)
Well that is it for now.... I am sure there is a lot I am forgetting, but that's all that comes to mind. Hope everyone has a great week. This weekly meme is brought to you by Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting, go check her out and all the other list makers that link up there.
Thanks ..... xoxoxo
I am telling you my girls hair looks great but my boys are little shaggy as well but they keep saying not til it gets warm mom when they are 16 and 17 you just hold your breat and think wow I hope it turns warm soon
Woohoo, your list is awesome! I, too, need a trim, and have a lot of the same things to do on my list, too (some I should add, even).
Happy 2010!!! :)
Ugh, everyone in my house needs haircuts too, I just never get around to getting them.
Good luck with your list!
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