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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
To Do Tuesday

Well last week was pretty much a "fail whale" in my book..... although I did get to a few things on the list, ya know the things that had to get done. I was so stressed and overwhelmed from all the details of the PTO Family Dance (which by the way was super fun and we made a profit of over $700...so that is totally awesome for us) Then some family drama got the best of me, and of course there was the whole laptop-shittin-the-bed thing! OMG, I still don't understand how in the hell one minute it is fine and the next , you have to have Dell send you a whole new hard drive and start from scratch?? Who is the asshole that invented viruses..... I would like slap him upside the head!! So anyway.... I am going to try to take it easy on myself this week, focus on my weight loss goals, maybe tackling little projects here and there. But in no way shape-or- form am I going to push myself this week. I am going to stay chipper, happy and focused even if it freakin kills me! So "screw" the recycling, shampooing Thomas' carpet, and I am not even going to think about PTO crap this week!
My "To Do" list for this week is:
- Stay on track with counting my Weight Watchers points ( or do you think I should switch over to counting calories? which to be honest sounds like it must really really SUCK)
- Stay in touch with the Mamavation Sistahood for support and laughs
- Drink water, drink water, drink water (notice I didn't say "alcohol" staying away from that this week, I swear..... I am going to drink water til my eyeballs are yellow)
- Catch up on blog reading. ( due to the fact I had no damn computer last week! ... ok, I will stop being so bitter about that now )
- Daily house cleaning
If you want to join in on the To Do Tuesday list making fun, then head over and see Lisa at Crazy Adventures in Parenting to link up and read all the others.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mamavation Monday
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
To Do Tuesday

Stay on track with my eating/water drinking/wii fit (make my mamavation sistas proud) keep up on the laundry pay bills cut coupons / stick to dinner menu do the 7 items on my 365 decluttering challenge list
PTO Winter Family Dance is Friday night and I have alot to do for this.... get tableclothes, make fliers to go home to all students/parents, organize all the raffle items, make my candy/movie basket that I am donating, bake brownies, make signs, call the dj to confirm the time, set-up the gym on Friday afternoon. (whewww... I hope I didn't forget anything) I never got to shampooing Thomas bedroom carpet from the last two weeks, hoping I can get that done this week. return the recycling to the store. (soda cans, water bottles) Still don't have a good idea for my Valentine's Day Blogger Exchange gift for my friend Robin at Masshole Mommy. Finish up the gift basket for my BFF Laura's 40th birthday brunch on Sunday.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Mamavation Monday
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Happy 40th Birthday Laura

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Six Word Saturday
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I Don't Deserve it, But I Will Take it Anyway!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Really Wordy Wordless Wednesday

Well now that I have come out of the closet, are there any of you who would like to come forward? It is easy just state, "Hi my name is ______ and I too am a Facebook game addict.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
To Do Tuesday

- Shampoo Thomas' bedroom carpet (this is leftover from last week)
- Cut out coupons/grocery list/shopping (I didn't get to my coupons last week but my dinner menu is already done .....click here )
- Get everything together for the PTO meeting tonight (the Winter Dance is Jan. 22nd)
- Dye my hair ( man-o-man the greys are real bad! gettin old SUCKS )
- Figure out what to make for my Valentine's Day Blog Exchange partner, Robin at Masshole Mommy. ( we were soo giddy when we found out we were getting eachother, the dorks that we are! )
- Start working on special gift ideas for my BFF Laura's 40th Birthday coming up this weekend. ( we have been friends since we were 5, she is more like a sister )
- Consider joining in on the 365 Day Decluttering Challenge ( I saw that one of my fellow To Do Tuesday list makers Another Piece of the Puzzle is doing it. This I will probably tackle on my other blog, the poor thing is soo neglected lately :(
The following is my list for everyday
- Continue on my goal of losing 40lbs by my 40th Birthday by counting my Weight Watcher points and staying accountable with my awesome Mamavation Sistas
- Keeping up on the daily vacuuming, cleaning and the dreaded LAuNdrY
- Continue to post / work on ideas for my blog / reading and commenting on the awesome blogs I follow
That is it for now....so if you want to join in go check out Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting to link up.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

This is my first week of doing a Menu Plan Monday. In keeping with my new goals of losing 40lbs by my 40th birthday, being more organized and trying to keep better track of our finances, I figured this is a good way to roll all three of those in one.
Monday: Oven-roasted chicken, baked potato, veggies (to make it more healthy I will peel off the skin before I put it in the oven....that is big step for me, since we all know the "skin" is the best part!)
Tuesday: Sandwiches, soup (use left over chicken for sandwiches)
Wednesday: Spiral ham, sweet potato, veggies (I never used this ham at Christmas, so it has to be cooked but I will not make the glaze that comes with it)
Thursday: French Toast, cut-up fruit, turkey bacon or turkey breakfast sausage ( who doesn't love "night breakfast"??, I will use Weight Watchers Multigrain bread and egg substitute to make french toast)
Friday: Hot dogs & Hamburgers , french fries, cut-up veggies ( my 9yr old and I will eat the Healthy Ones hot dogs , only 2pts on WW , and my 16yr old and hubby eat the hamburgers, french fries are always baked in the oven)
Saturday: Homemade pizza , salad ( I want to try to find an alternative crust that is healthier, if not I will make a separate pizza for myself on an english muffin)
Sunday: Tacos , salad ( I don't use the taco shells that come with the kit, I use Baked Tostitos to have mine. I make it like a Taco Salad and I also use WW shredded cheese)
Mamavation Monday
I am focused on my goal of 40lbs by my 40th birthday and will do it!
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Six Word Saturday
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
To Do Tuesday

- Eat healthy, stick to my Weight Watchers points system, do my Wii Fit and support all the other "Sistahood Sistas" on Mamavation . ( This is going to be on my list every single week)
- Haircuts for me and the boys (gotta call kelli, the hairdresser today for appointments)
- pay bills
- cut-out coupons/ do grocery list/ shopping / dinner menu for the rest of the week
- babysit my cutie pie grandson Tyler this afternoon for a few hours so his mom can go visit her sick friend in the hospital (20yrs old and was just diagnosed with lung cancer.... horrible)
- keep-up on the laundry... ( I am on such a roll and don't want to get behind again )
- get out the carpet cleaner and do Thomas' bedroom rug, it is sooo gross looking (ewwww)
- catch up on my blog reading (an other thing I should just list as an every week chore)
- work on the Winter Dance at my son's school coming up on the 22nd of Jan. ( no one is doing anything for it.... WTF?)
Well that is it for now.... I am sure there is a lot I am forgetting, but that's all that comes to mind. Hope everyone has a great week. This weekly meme is brought to you by Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting, go check her out and all the other list makers that link up there.
Thanks ..... xoxoxo