Once again it is an insanely busy week around here and what makes it worse, is I am not really "into" this Holiday Season. Every year it gets harder and harder, and you would think with my kids getting older it would be easier. I keep thinking to myself "next year has to be better, less stressful" NOPE... seems there is always extra BULLSHIT added to the normal stress of the Holidays. So like every year I have to suck-it-up , smile and just get through it!
This week will consist of
* cleaning, laundry, shopping, cooking, wrapping, running the Holiday Store at my son's school on Wed. and Thurs. (set up for it is today at 3pm for about 2hrs, hopefully it will only take 2hrs. Not sure who, if anyone will show up to help me.) drinking (and yes, I mean the ALCOHOL kind of drinking) eating. Oh, I am going to attempt to bake something (just one batch of something from scratch, not Pilsbury or Betty Crocker) As if it wasn't enough my mom decided we are going to celebrate my niece's birthday before Christmas at my brother's house ( my niece's birthday is Dec 20th , my nephew's is Jan. 1) yes, my sister is a big pain in our asses! giving birth to both of her children 1 week before and one week after Christmas. We normally do both of their birthdays on New Years Day. Not sure why mom decided to add to all the madness!!??
I am too lazy and stressed to make my list all "organized" but I think you get the gist of it.
If you want to do a "To Do Tuesday" list too, or just go check out it's crazy founder.... head over and see Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting.
Drinking while you are at the holiday store or while you are baking? LMAO!!!
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