Awwww.... I am soo honored I got this Award twice in one day. One from my buddy Robin over at Masshole Mommy (for Tina's Decor and More ) and the other from Freddae at Coffee God and Me ( for this blog). I am sooo cheating and just doing the same post on both blogs. Jeez, I hope I am not breaking any laws or anything! The "strings" attached with getting this Award is that you have to say 5 things you like to do and then pass this on to 5 friends.
These are the 5 things I like to do:
#1. Decorating , looking at home decor in stores and magazines..... ( now I just need an endless supply of $$ to make it all happen)
#2. Hanging out with my friends ( all of them, real-life friends and my online-friends )
#3. Laugh, I just love to laugh !!
#4. Be with my family ( Guess this should have been #1, but whatcanIsay... not loving them all right at this moment)
#5. Watching TV ( I know it is lame....but I just love my tv. Reality show junkie, HGTV fanatic and any Cop drama )
Now these are the 5 friends I am sending this award to:
#1. Cheryl at The Budge Bunch ( cuz she is one of my "real-life" BFF's and "online" BFF we have the best of both worlds )
#2. Kate at Busted Plumbing ( cuz she is handling her infertility with grace and humor )
#3. Ryan at For The Birds ( cuz she is the "Best" and I just loved how excited she got when I gave her an award before )
#4. Mary at Pajamas and Coffee ( OMG, cuz she is just tooo freaking hysterical )
#5. Last but not least I give this award to Mrs. Blogs Alot . ( cuz we are new friends and reading one of her posts encouraged a good "cleanse" that I much needed)
So go check out these awesome friends of mine!!
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