So here it goes.........
Ten Honest Things About Me
1. At 39 years old I still call my mom, "mommy"
2. I would much rather spend money on my house (decorating items, etc) then on clothes for myself. (hence, my need to be on "What not to Wear".)
3. I am a chronic dieter.... I am not good at it, just always seem to be on one!!
4. I really want to get a tattoo for my 40th birthday, and sooo don't want to chicken-out.
5. I really want to go back to school, but need to find the courage and self confidence first.
6. I like things neat and organized....but for the Love of God, don't open a closet or drawer!
7. I still feel very "immature" wish I was wiser, ya know one of those "smart" people you always go to for advice.
8. I have a "thing" about Goofey (from Mickey Mouse) it must be something from my chilhood. He must have scared the crap out of me on a trip to Disney World when I was 5.
9. My husband and I have no real relastionship or contact with 2 of his 3 children from his first marriage. It is not something I am proud of , but thought since we are being "honest" I would put it out there!
10. Last but not least.... I am very proud to say I still have the same set of girlfriends from Elementary/Middle/High School. Thanks to Facebook have caught up with a few others and when we get together it is like not a day has passed. This is not to say that I am not just as grateful or proud of my other friendships (old and new). I LOVE all of my friends and wouldn't know what to do without any of them!!
So now I am "passing the buck" onto to these fellow bloggers who I feel are not only "honest" but also consider "friends". Thanks, I look forward to all of your lists!!
1. Cheryl @ The Budge Bunch (one of my real-life BFF's)
2. Bobbi @ When did I go from a kid to grown-up ( one of my 1st blog followers who wasn't a "real life friend)
3. Robin @ Mass Hole Mommy ( just started and wow, she is great! great supporter too)
4. Kim @ Diary of a Wicked Step Mom ( ahhh, a CT step-mom just like me)
5. Tina and Amy @ Bloob ( ok, freakin hysterical!! )
6. Gennifer @ Gennifer with a G ( a real life BFF from "back in the day")
7. Ry @ For the Birds ( honest and always right there, great supporter)
Don't chicken out on the tattoo. I don't have one, only because I would pass out. What do you have in mind?
Aaaawww Thanks Tina! Damn! Now I have to make a list!!!
Thanks Tina, I'll have to think of 10 things to share and pass this on by the end of the week.
I'll loved reading yours.
Tattoos are soooo cool. DO IT! I have 2 and can't wait to get more. Come on up to MA and we can go together!!!!!
I have an aversion to needle but got a tattoo and it wasn't so bad. Birthing a child is MUCH more painful as is the realization that you're "going to stay this color?!"
You deserve many awards and I'm sure they will continue to come your way. You have been making me laugh since 1981 and for that I owe you my life and/or first born. xoxoxoxooxoxox
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