I used to worry about him and his fascination with these movies and the characters, but Thomas also has this other side to him. He is really the sweetest kid (and that is not just his mom saying it).
This is the 3rd or 4th year I have decorated his room. I don't make it creepy, it is mostly crap from the Dollar Store , Walmart and places like that. I have been a little busy and lazy lately, if that even makes any sense. He has been bugging me for the last week and a half to get down his Halloween box out of the attic and decorate his room. So I finally got my butt in gear this weekend and got the box down and did it. Really, it was to shut him up.....my mom has always said to me "you are the one who created that monster". I enjoy doing it and making him happy. I also do this for Christmas, so you will have to stay tuned to see the "Winter Wonderland" that I create!

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