Cannot believe that my Nick is 17 years old today. Man, when I think back I was 22 years old and I was the first of my friends to have a baby. I have to admit, in High School I knew and so did everyone else that I would probably be the first to get married and have kids. Granted, I didn't do it in that order.....but "whatever" it was the 90's.
On Saturday Feb 27th at 7:30am my water broke and Nick wasn't born til 11:30am Sunday Feb. 28th. Yes, you counted correctly that is 28 hours of labor....horrible, painful labor. God, my crotch and back hurt just thinking about it now. I pushed for the last 4 hours, at the 24hr mark the dr told me we had to start pushing or I would have to have a C-section. He was 8lbs 8oz. Lets put it this way, I couldn't sit comfortably, walk and didn't even dare think of going #2 for almost a week after he was born. I even took pain killers and I don't normally do that at all.
Nick was a very good baby, from the day I brought him home he drank his bottle and slept for 4 or 5hrs straight. He woke up I changed his diaper, fed him his bottle and by the time the bottle was done he usually was back to sleep. I didn't know how lucky I was, and now that he is a teenager and is just as good as he was when he was baby, toddler and little boy, I KNOW how lucky I am. As a Junior in a Technical High School he takes Graphics and is in all Honor classes. The guidance counselor at school just told him he is in the top 20 of his class (10%).
We are preparing to take SAT's and talking about colleges, it is all surreal. Ok, Ok... I will stop gushing and bragging about my kid now.
" Happy 17th Birthday, Nick "
" Love you "
" Love you "
WOW we just meet on Mom Bloggers and I find out that your son (17) and my son (5) share the same Birthday!
Happy Birthday Nick! be happy it was not Leap YEAR!
Congrats on 17 amazing years. Never stop gushing. It's our right. (Especially with teen boys.)
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