Well an other week has just come and gone..... This week has been a little nuts for me, for some crazy reason my mother has trusted ME to cook out Thanksgiving dinner. She is bringing the stuffing and sweet potatoes (which to me are the most important things anyway, so at least I won't screw those up) I have been cleaning and shopping like a crazy-person. I don't "do" formal get-togethers at all, it isn't my "thing".
Are you a crazy list-making nutjob like me and Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting? Then get over to her site link up and check out everyone else's To Do Tuesday Lists.
This week's List:
* Finish cleaning my house ( ya know, the "real" clean, the "company" clean....not the every day "spit and a prayer" kind of clean)
* Check out the Black Friday flyers ( I don't normally participate in this mayhem, but I figured if there is something for a good deal that is on my list, I might just go for it...... but don't expect me to shower if I'm getting up at the "crack-ass of dawn" )
* Mail out the ornaments from my Bloggers Ornament Exchange ( that really should have been done yesterday ....)
* Blog posts ( not sure I will get to that til this weekend)
* Take down Fall Decor and start putting up Christmas ( I will start that this weekend too)
* Try to enjoy Thanksgiving and not make myself too crazy over it:
* Last but not Least................ starting Sat it is "DIET-TIME" Holy Crap, I have been just the worse lately and really need to focus and do it!! I have got this damn Wii Fit sitting here on the floor 3 feet away from me that I clean the dust bunnies off of every week!!!
Have a Great Thanksgiving Everyone and let the insanity of the Christmas Season Begin.........
Good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner. I've already given up on getting my house company clean. Now I'm just hoping the dust bunnies don't decide to attack during Thanksgiving dinner.
thanks so much for reminding me of the ornament exchange I need to get that done as well
Happy Thanksgiving! It will be OK.
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