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Monday, November 30, 2009
I feel like a slacker
We live in a side-by-side two family house and they live RIGHT NEXT DOOR...... let me give you a visual. If you have every seen the tv show "Everybody Loves Raymond" that would pretty much give you an idea of what my family life is like. My father-in-law is just as rude (even more-so) then the father Frank, my mother-in-law is a lot like Doris (just not as chipper as Doris can be, she is way more miserable). My brother-in-law is sort of the opposite of Robert (Robert is a cop) mine gets in trouble with the cops. But he is a big tall goof-ball that my MIL coddles like a 2 year old. My husband would be Ray, but his mother doesn't kiss his ass like Doris does Ray's and that would make me Deborah the only NORMAL one in the whole INSANE bunch!! UGH, I keep telling myself "one of these days, we will get the f-ck out of here" and I'm telling ya, it better happen SOON or I will not be responsible for my actions. LOL
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
My mother and brother are coming to my house this year, it is a first! As some of you know my husband had major neck surgery about a month ago and to put him in a car for an hour and a half drive to my sister's house would have been very uncomfortable for him. ( and me too.... I hate hearing him bitch about the drive to her house every year!) I will let you all know how this one turns out, I'm kinda nervous about the whole thing. Something usually always goes wrong when I have my family to my house. Over the summer we had a god awful sewer-type smell and my freakin father-in-law called the fire department. One other time my stove did some funky electrical thing (even though it is gas) and shorted itself out . I thought my ham and sweet potatoes were cooking and the oven wasn't even on!
Not starting this visit on a good note either, a mouse (well at least I hope it is a mouse) crawled into the wall somewhere in my bathroom and DIED!! groosssss , it is small bathroom with no window (only a vent fan , that is broken thank-you-very-much) so you can only imagine it stinks of dead rodent and apple cinnamon air freshener! I can hear through the very thin walls, my mother and father in law fighting! GREAT, they better shut their freakin mouths when my mother and brother get here!
I am going to stop my bitching and complaining now and say some things I am "Thankful" for..... *I am thankful for my family ( and by MY, I do mean MINE .... my in-laws can go suck an egg this Thanksgiving) oh, sorry that was a bitch and complain , won't do that again anymore I swear! LOL *I am thankful for my friends, I know I am not always the best friend in the world. But I am trying and wouldn't know where I would be with out each and everyone of them! *I am thankful I have 2 great kids they might drive me nuts sometimes, but I am very well aware I could have sooo much worse (considering my oldest is 16 and I know what my brother and I were doing at 16....yikes!)
I almost want to make wishes, but Thanksgiving isn't for that it is for being "thankful" for what you do have! So today I will be thankful for what I have and save the "wishes" for my birthday!
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving
Gobble , Gobble
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
To Do Tuesday

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Anyone Have a Time Machine?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

This is our bird "Chickie" ( well, really he is my husband's bird ) He goes everywhere with him and you can usually find him on my husband's shoulder or making a giant freakin mess in my house!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To Do Tuesday

Monday, November 16, 2009
1st "Monday Mingle"... (sort of)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
My Office?
Listen to me blaming my laziness on a lack of energy. It makes me feel less of a slacker and more like there is something medically wrong with me if I use the words "no energy" then "my fat ass doesn't feel like doing it today."
Back to the title of my post "My Office", my house is somewhat small and I don't have an extra room that could be "my office" (as if I am important and have a job~hahahaha~that's a joke).
So I am forced to use my coffee table as my make-shift desk/office. It isn't just any coffee table, it is one we got years ago, that the top rises up (sorry, I should have taken a pic of that fancy move). Then my husband modified it and put sides on it, so it would be somewhat enclosed. See I have a sick obsession with magazines and really don't like to part with them even after I've looked through them, so that gave me a place to hide them away. I even got some pretty baskets to contain them. (you see two baskets in the pic, but there are two more on the other side.) If I do nothing else today, it is going to be to organize and clean out my shit-hole of a coffee table / desk. I am hoping if I can accomplish this chore, it will make me better at finding important papers and bills when I need them. Now, if it could just make me have the money to actually pay all those bills that are piled up in there........that would be FREAKIN AWESOME!! But til that miracle happens , I will just be satisfied with a neat and organized coffee table or should I say "Office".

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
To Do Tuesday

Monday, November 9, 2009
My Little Man Turns 9 Today

Today is my youngest son Thomas' 9th Birthday......... He was a bit of a "surprise" as you would call it. When I had my oldest son Nicholas, I thought to myself "that is it for me". I figured since my husband had 3 children from his first marriage, that I was totally fine with me only having to raise 1 child but he would still have siblings. (ya know, I figured "best of both worlds")
But then I guess there was a careless night in Feb of 2000, while we were living in New York (ooops) and about 5 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Now at this point I had been married for about 5years, Nick was 7years old (yeah, yeah I know.......) and I really didn't know if I wanted to do this all over again. I love children don't get me wrong, but I had just settled into this job in New York and was moving up (granted it was an Orthopedics's Office). I had already gone from Receptionist, to Secretary and ended up downstairs away from the patients helping out the Bookkeeper. I know if I had stayed I would have been Office Manager, by the time I left in the Summer of 2000 there was 8 doctors and they were making plans to move the office to a bigger place and hire even more doctors. I really wrestled with the decision, I knew we would have to leave New York and move back to Connecticut. That was so hard, my family and friends are all there.
Here we are 9 years later and I would never change my decision. (believe me, there are a lot of decisions in my life I would change...but having Nicholas and Thomas are not two of them).
Thomas is really the sweetest kid you will ever meet, he does have his dark side though. He loves scary movies and has for a few years now. It is so crazy and creepy..... he once caught the movie "Child's Play" on the regular cable channel and he was hooked. I am sure he stopped and wanted to watch it because of the title, not realizing what the movie was about! LOL
He is a funny little kid too, he definitely has my sense of humor.....he keeps me laughing every day! He is not what you would call a "boy's boy" I would have to say he is more of a "mama's boy". (but that is fine with me) He loves to go outside and play (nothing in particular) just likes to run around like a crazy kid in any kind of weather. He plays with his Nintendo Ds, the computer, is into board games now, watches tv and "plays" teacher. He is hysterical, all he wants for his Birthday and Christmas is "teacher" supplies. (for God sakes his favorite store is Staples). I am assuming he is going to be a Teacher when he grows up!
Well, I hope you get a sense of my "little man" there is way more to him, but I acutally have to go wake his butt up for school. I posted just a few recent pics, it has been too crazy for my to go dig out baby pics and upload them.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Name and Layout
I will take all comments good and bad, and if there is anyone out there who does backgrounds or can easily work through all the HTML code, I could use all the help I can get.
Thanks again
Friday, November 6, 2009
New Blog Layout
Thanks ....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
To Do Tuesday

Ok, well last week was a total "wash" this week's list is super long and I guess I will be happy if I can do half of what's on it!! Unfortunately, I am not going to have any Christmas talk on my list this week, unlike the crazy/supermom Lisa over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting who I so want to "BE"! She not only has Christmas Lists going she is in full-blown shopping mode. WTF, way to make me feel like a slacker!! LOL
If you want in on this "To Do Tuesday" or just go check out her "Crazy Adventures" go ahead, I dare ya!!
Here goes "The List From Hell" (why not, goes with my "Week from Hell")
* Haircuts for me and my two sons
* Oil Change in my truck (yeah, to me that is a "man's" job, but I am the "man of the house" now)
* pay bills/check my bank account balance (that should be pretty pathetic)
* Do coupons/grocery list/dinner list
* Take back all the recycling that has piled up in the back of my truck (yikes, this is going to take forever, I haven't done it in a couple weeks and we go through a lot of soda) I almost can't see out the review mirror , so that is how I know it is TIME
* clean both my freezers (they are sooo gross , it isn't even funny)
* clean out my coffee table (AKA , my "office") oooh, that is soo going to be a "post" one of these days.
* clean my shower/bathtub (that is about as nasty as the freezers)
* plan/buy gifts for my son's 9th Birthday (which is next Mondy, Holy Crap....I better get my ass in gear on this one!!)
* clean out my son's room/closet (to make room for the Birthday/Christmas gifts that are going to flood the house soon) oooooh, I mentioned Christmas!!!
* Almost forgot one, I must catch up on my blog reading and commenting ( I feel so bad, and really miss it!) sorry everyone, I will make my rounds this week!!
Well ya know what , that is it for now.......... I am getting tired just making this friggin list!!
Wish me Luck, I am going to need it!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Week From HELL....
Of course, like everything else I do for my family I do all by myself even though my mother-in-law lives right next door!! I know she has her own set of stresses with my father-in-law's health issues, but come-on!! He is your freakin son ... I know that if I went through even a 1/4 of what my husband is going through my mom would be right here to help him and me through it!! My mom has offered to come up from New York and help cook and just "be" with me, but I had to tell her "no". Since I am sick, I really don't want to risk her getting sick. My mom is a very healthy woman, but for some reason if she even gets a minor cold it ALWAYS turns into pneumonia.
I am so upset that all this chaos has also made Halloween Day not the best it could have been!! I was very stressed out that day, running around bringing Thomas to a Halloween party, running errand for everything my husband wanted to help make him more comfortable, 2 trips to Walgreens Pharmacy (yeah, DON'T ASK...) The night before he had a muscle spasm in his neck for 4 HOURS (from 4am-8am)!!!! Yeah, that was fun...let me tell you!!
Then the kicker......the cherry on top, was when right before I alone was going to take my 8yr old son out trick-or-treating I had made a comment to my mother-in-law that my house was a "wreck" and it was driving me crazy!! Ya know what her response was??......... "yeah, huh"
WTF, are you kidding me BITCH? So after I got home with Thomas, I sat down for a little while and then at about Midnight I decided it was time for me to start cleaning!! Oh, I ran my washing machine and dryer, I also ran my dishwasher. I was not gentle moving stuff around while straightening out my pantry (the back of that wall is right where they sleep)! She is lucky I didn't pull out my vacuum and start doing the whole house at 12:30am, cuz everyone over here was still awake!!!
Well that is enough of my "Bitch-fest"....hoping this week it gets a little better. My Thomas turns 9 one week from today and I really want it to be a special day for him!!
So, I am going to take a "deep-breath" and try to make it the best birthday week possible!!