You must be thinking, "is it January?"............ I am either very very late, or super early but I decided that I need to make some New Year's Resolutions. I'll be honest, not sure if I can actually stick with them because I'm usually "all talk and no action". I am hoping that writing it all down will help with me staying true to the list. So here is goes..........
1. The good ol' standby of losing weight, exercise and eating healthier. This one is honestly the HARDEST one. I want it so bad, but I am such and emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, stressed, bored, celebrating and oh yeah sometimes when I am actually hungry!!
2. Go back to school, or take some sort of classes to better myself. I have been talking about this for years. I didn't go to college (well, technically I went for 3 weeks and then dropped out) and now that my son is a Junior in High School, we have been talking about college for him and it makes me feel STUPID. This is the SCARIEST one, not easy being a 40 year old Freshman!
3. Be a better mom ...... there is a big difference between being their "maid" and being their "mother". My mom is always telling me that my son's wives are going to HATE me!! This one is the EASIEST one, that means less for me to do!! yee-ha
4. Work on myself ..... I need to learn the tools to actually accomplish the first 3 things on this list, even at 39 (pushing 40) I need to do some growing up. I am way too hard on myself, take things people say or do way too personal. I get defensive when it is not necessary and don't stick up for myself when I should. This one is the HARDEST and the SCARIEST but really should be the EASIEST.
So thanks for listening to my New Year's Resolutions and I hope that by tomorrow I don't forget about them again!!
Recent Posts
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
I want to be a good blogger when I grow up
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I have spent most of my time lately Blog hopping instead of posting. I find it more therapeutic to read what others have to say. Can I tell you I have come across some awesome blogs and I am just jealous. The writing and honesty in the writing is as if I am sitting right there having a conversation with them. I know it is very immature, but I love it when a blogger isn't afraid to use swears in a post! I guess it makes me feel like, "see I am not the only one with the mouth of a truck driver". Although, on most days I could probably give a truck driver a run for their money.
When I first started on this venture, I thought "my life is sooo like a Soap Opera I will have material to write every freakin day!" Then all my insecurities came out like, "who the hell gives a crap about what I have to say" and "my writing sucks I never use periods, commas and I hate to capitalize." On my first blog I ever did, I decided to just go for it and write about some shit that was going on in my family.......well after 2 posts I felt like a raving lunatic and decided that is not what I wanted the world to see of me. Then I became obsessed with how my blog looked and getting a "button" I thought that was what made you in the blogging world. After that I was (and still am) worried about the name of my blog, I was never "in love with it". So now I am still worried about my blog name and design ( I know some people don't like the black background and dark colors, but I don't particularly care for plain-jane either. So I need to find something in the middle)
My point is, that I have finally come to the conclusion that blogging isn't all about the design, buttons or even about having hundreds of followers........... it is about writing something that will make someone else feel happy or feel like "jeez, Thank God I'm not the only one." I know that I am still going to have Bad Days when I think to myself "why the hell am I am doing this again?" But I do always seem to come back to it. So will have to excuse my grammar, punctuation and lack of good design for now. When I grow up I want to just be a good blogger.
When I first started on this venture, I thought "my life is sooo like a Soap Opera I will have material to write every freakin day!" Then all my insecurities came out like, "who the hell gives a crap about what I have to say" and "my writing sucks I never use periods, commas and I hate to capitalize." On my first blog I ever did, I decided to just go for it and write about some shit that was going on in my family.......well after 2 posts I felt like a raving lunatic and decided that is not what I wanted the world to see of me. Then I became obsessed with how my blog looked and getting a "button" I thought that was what made you in the blogging world. After that I was (and still am) worried about the name of my blog, I was never "in love with it". So now I am still worried about my blog name and design ( I know some people don't like the black background and dark colors, but I don't particularly care for plain-jane either. So I need to find something in the middle)
My point is, that I have finally come to the conclusion that blogging isn't all about the design, buttons or even about having hundreds of followers........... it is about writing something that will make someone else feel happy or feel like "jeez, Thank God I'm not the only one." I know that I am still going to have Bad Days when I think to myself "why the hell am I am doing this again?" But I do always seem to come back to it. So will have to excuse my grammar, punctuation and lack of good design for now. When I grow up I want to just be a good blogger.
Monday, September 21, 2009
I know it has been a while....
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Sorry, I know it has been a while since I last posted. It has been so crazy around here (unfortunetly this is the norm) About 3 weeks ago my in-laws should have been on their way home from their vacation house in Nova Scotia Canada, but I got a call that my father-in-law was taken by ambulance to the hospital for a possible heart attack or stroke. My mother-in-law was very upset and was sure he was going to die this time. My FIL is a very sick man , diabetes, several heart attacks (has a pacemaker/defibrilator) and several strokes and all the dr's have told us his next heart attack would be his last!! (nice, huh?)
Fast forward a few days and the dr's thought if they just had his defibrilator settings adjusted he would be fine and could go home Friday Sept. 11th.....but then that morning another call from my mother-in-law that he could not be released and he had to be air transported to Halifax Hospital (about 4hrs away) where they could best deal with his heart condition. His heart was racing at about 131, and they shocked him several times and would just go back to the high rate. The dr's were very morbid with her and she was convinced that by the time she made the 4hr drive to Halifax by herself , that he would be "gone". When she arrived there, they were very hopeful they could fix everything and he would be just fine. It was an electrical cell in his heart somewhere that was causing the they needed to find it and "zap" it!! (sounds easy, huh?). It was important to my husband that he get to Canada asap to be with his mother and father, no matter the situation he needed to be there. So late that afternoon he was on a plane and off to Halifax.
Fast forward another week.... with all the ups and downs (one minute the dr's would say he would be ok, the next they weren't sure he could make it) The only hope he had was a procedure to go in with a catheder to find these "bad cells" and kill them. Now I am still unclear if the procedure was new all over the world or just in Canada.... but believe it or not, it worked he seems to be fine. So they decided to bring him home last Thursday, which wasn't an easy task....... 4hr drive to the ferry boat, 5hr on the ferry boat , then a 4hr drive home from there. Seriously, to say my Father-in-law has 9 Lives is an understatement but yet again he has cheated death. He was happy to be home and eating my meatballs and spaghetti (it is the only thing I make that he will eat and not make fun of me for.) I am glad he is ok, and sure I will be bitching about him being a big pain in my ass real soon......back to the normal craziness around here!!
Fast forward a few days and the dr's thought if they just had his defibrilator settings adjusted he would be fine and could go home Friday Sept. 11th.....but then that morning another call from my mother-in-law that he could not be released and he had to be air transported to Halifax Hospital (about 4hrs away) where they could best deal with his heart condition. His heart was racing at about 131, and they shocked him several times and would just go back to the high rate. The dr's were very morbid with her and she was convinced that by the time she made the 4hr drive to Halifax by herself , that he would be "gone". When she arrived there, they were very hopeful they could fix everything and he would be just fine. It was an electrical cell in his heart somewhere that was causing the they needed to find it and "zap" it!! (sounds easy, huh?). It was important to my husband that he get to Canada asap to be with his mother and father, no matter the situation he needed to be there. So late that afternoon he was on a plane and off to Halifax.
Fast forward another week.... with all the ups and downs (one minute the dr's would say he would be ok, the next they weren't sure he could make it) The only hope he had was a procedure to go in with a catheder to find these "bad cells" and kill them. Now I am still unclear if the procedure was new all over the world or just in Canada.... but believe it or not, it worked he seems to be fine. So they decided to bring him home last Thursday, which wasn't an easy task....... 4hr drive to the ferry boat, 5hr on the ferry boat , then a 4hr drive home from there. Seriously, to say my Father-in-law has 9 Lives is an understatement but yet again he has cheated death. He was happy to be home and eating my meatballs and spaghetti (it is the only thing I make that he will eat and not make fun of me for.) I am glad he is ok, and sure I will be bitching about him being a big pain in my ass real soon......back to the normal craziness around here!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
5 Random Facts
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This is my first "vlog" ever....... and all I have to say is, can I say "totally" more?? you would think I grew up in The Valley or something!! lol
Anyway, I did these 5 Random Facts for my friend Cheryl over at The Budge Bunch. She thought it would be a fun way for everyone to get to know eachother better. So go check out The Budge Bunch to see who else is vlogging "5 Random Facts" about themselves.
Anyway, I did these 5 Random Facts for my friend Cheryl over at The Budge Bunch. She thought it would be a fun way for everyone to get to know eachother better. So go check out The Budge Bunch to see who else is vlogging "5 Random Facts" about themselves.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
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Look how proud 8yr old "Uncle Thomas" is.............
(he glad he's not the youngest in the family anymore)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Adventure....Lets see if I Can Stick to this
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Ok, so I had a little time yesterday to hop around the blogging world and came across a post from a new "blogger friend" Rainbow Jelly Ramblings. We found each other's blogs from a new "ning" site Twitter Mamas I was invited to join by @kirs10c on twitter (her blog is Scents Appeal).
What caught my eye was her post titled "Monday Weigh-In" and as some of you know I used to do a Weigh-In Wednesday post. Notice I said "used to" , that is because I haven't done my Weight Watchers all summer! This is my pattern, I do W.W. lose about 20-25lbs and then just sort of give up. I have WAY more then 20-25lbs to lose!! It is more like 90-100lbs if you go by what W.W. says I should weigh! Well I am not going there...that is just tooo much to take on right now. I would be happy being in a "real" size 14/16 , and I'm not sure what the scale would have to say in order for that to happen and I guess I really don't care!! I just want to be able to walk into any store, whether it be Walmart, Old Navy or anywhere for that matter and find myself a cute pair of pants and a shirt!!
This weekend I was going through some photos from our summer vacation to Long Beach Island, NJ and I was horrified at what I saw!! First off I wanted to go shoot my husband for taking pictures of me at the beach in the first place, then to take pictures that were from the neck down!!!????? UGH!! I guess I never really saw myself as that heavy, don't get me wrong I am not living in "La-La Land" I know that I am very very overweight, just didn't think i looked that bad!! I have a full length mirror in my room , but I only look at myself "quick" when I get dressed. So I decided that I was going to try yet again at losing weight, not sure I will go right back to W.W just yet......I have all the material here and will try on my own at first.
I have a Wii Fit that I bought myself as a birthday present in May and have only used the thing 2 or 3 times!!!!! I am going to try "The Yummy Mummy with no Tummy Challenge" that was started by A Mother's Ramblings. and see if I can stick with this one!!!
If it is ok with you guys I might just stick with my "Weigh-in Wednesdays" and do my posts that day. I also believe my friend Sandy at Organize with Sandy is going to do a "Weight Watchers Wednesday" post coming up and I would like to be a part of that too.
Thanks for the "kick in the pants" I really really needed it!!!
Stay Tuned.......xoxo