This is what i did while sitting on the beach in Long Beach Island, NJ
Recent Posts
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
I Need to live by this Quote!
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I wanted to do one last post before I leave for my vacation. I am leaving Sat. July 18th for Long Beach Island in New Jersey. I will be there for one week, and next Sat will be a busy day also. I have the baby shower for my stepson's girlfriend (who already gave birth to my grandson 2 weeks ago) then I really want to attend the BowlHer party at Mohegan Sun Casino Sat. night with Cheryl at The Budge Bunch and Rachel Ferrucci at So I hope everyone has a great week, and everyone is getting all ready for the BlogHer mania. I will miss all my "peeps" on Twitter and all my "Facebook Friends". I don't really think I will do much on the computer when gone, but ya never know!! Might just have to do a "Wordless Wednesday" of the view from our deck!! ( it is Awesome!) But all of this "goodbye BS" isn't my "real" post.........
I read this quote on Facebook, it was the status of an old classmate. When I read it I thought, jeez did he post that just for me to read!? I have been in a bit of a "funk" lately and reading this quote made me realize that this is exactly my inner monologue and has been for years!! So I am going to try really hard to "JUST LIVE NOW"!!!
"There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down – until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living. Live Now! "
-George Sheehan, M.D.
I read this quote on Facebook, it was the status of an old classmate. When I read it I thought, jeez did he post that just for me to read!? I have been in a bit of a "funk" lately and reading this quote made me realize that this is exactly my inner monologue and has been for years!! So I am going to try really hard to "JUST LIVE NOW"!!!
"There are those of us who are always about to live. We are waiting until things change, until there is more time, until we are less tired, until we get a promotion, until we settle down – until, until, until. It always seems as if there is some major event that must occur in our lives before we begin living. Live Now! "
-George Sheehan, M.D.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Trying To Get My Motivation Back
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I am sitting here at 11:45pm tired and thinking I should just go to bed....but as usual this is the time of night that I sit and think about everything I didn't get done today during the day. How I could have gotten on my Wii Fit and didn't. How I really didn't "do" my Weight Watchers like I should have. So I get out my notebook and write-out "the list" and vow to do everything that is making me feel soo guilty tomorrow.......well guess what, that has been going on now for about a month or so!!
I can't seem to get my SHIT together!!! I need a "pill" or maybe a swift kick in the ASS!! I am sure it is a vicious cycle...maybe if I did exercise and lose weight I would have more energy to do the stuff around my house that I need/want to do. But I am a "stress" the more I stress about what has to get done, and what hasn't the more I say, "screw-it...where's the ice cream?"!!
Once again, I will get out my notebook and write "the list" and maybe just maybe tomorrow will be the day that my motivation decides to find me, before I run my fat-ass out to Wal-mart and Stop&Shop. (cuz, ya know that is where i go to run and hide from it!!)
Thanks for listening to my crazy late-night rant
I can't seem to get my SHIT together!!! I need a "pill" or maybe a swift kick in the ASS!! I am sure it is a vicious cycle...maybe if I did exercise and lose weight I would have more energy to do the stuff around my house that I need/want to do. But I am a "stress" the more I stress about what has to get done, and what hasn't the more I say, "screw-it...where's the ice cream?"!!
Once again, I will get out my notebook and write "the list" and maybe just maybe tomorrow will be the day that my motivation decides to find me, before I run my fat-ass out to Wal-mart and Stop&Shop. (cuz, ya know that is where i go to run and hide from it!!)
Thanks for listening to my crazy late-night rant
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
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My "Wordless Wednesday" this week is dedicated to my Girlfriend of about 30yrs Paulanna
Who celebrated her 40th Birthday yesterday (7-7-09)
She is the 1st out of us to turn 40 so we are enjoying reminding her of that!!
This is most recent pic I could find of Paulanna that was easy for me to was taken about a year ago, at one of our get togethers...(she is with her oldest daughter)
This is a pic of the 4 of us as Sophmores in High School crashing the Junior Prom
We are still the best of friends to this day and we will all be together on Saturday to celebrate Paulanna's special birthday!! (she is the one on the far right and that is me on the far left)
Happy 40th Birthday Paulanna
(I will be right behind you next May)

We are still the best of friends to this day and we will all be together on Saturday to celebrate Paulanna's special birthday!! (she is the one on the far right and that is me on the far left)
Happy 40th Birthday Paulanna
(I will be right behind you next May)
Yes, at 39 I am a Grandma...
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I had a very exciting 4th of July 22yr old stepson Jason and his girlfriend Trish gave birth to my beautiful Grandson Tyler James on July 5th @ 10:50am. He came early...her due date was not until Sept. 5th. So the little man only weighed in at 4.5lbs and 17 3/4in long. (which is actually bigger then we thought he would be at 31 weeks). I was just outside the hospital room while she gave birth "all natural" (no time for the epidural). It was amazing, kinda wish i could have been in the room, but I am just glad I was there. Within 2hours of being born the fabulous team of neonatologist and nurses stablized him and he was taken by ambulance to Uconn Medical Center in Farmington, Ct to spend the next 5-6 weeks getting healthy. It is amazing how I just automatically go right into "mommy" mode and just want to help, ask questions and buy them everything they will need. They are both very responsible and I don't worry that they can't take care of him...the are just very young, nieve and maybe still a little "in-shock". I have been in Jason's life since he was about 5yrs he is just as much of a son to me as my own two. I told my mother this morning, that I have a new appreciation for her and all she does for me as my mother, friend and a grandmother. I now understand how she feels, to have your child (as an adult) need you to help them with their child. I have to say I LOVE MY MOMMY!!
To be totally honest Tyler is not my first Grandchild (technically "step-grandchildren") I also have a Granddaughter Amaya who is 3yrs old. Unfortunetly her mother has not made the best choices in her life and the relationship between her and my husband and I is not the best. We have tried her whole life to steer her in the right direction....but she has chosen a different path. It is very sad and hurts my heart, and may seem "white trashy" to some...but that is just the way life is sometimes!! It doesn't mean we don't love her and Amaya, just too hard to sit back and watch someone throw their whole life away for nothing.
I will keep all updated on Tyler. Thanks xoxoxo