About an hour ago i was sitting here with an idea for a post, then my 8yr old son came in and begged me to watch him in the pool!! So, now i am inside and trying to remember for the life of me what i was going to say!!! It is bad enough i don't blog that much as it is, how is it that at 39yrs of age i am seeing signs of "old age" setting in. (maybe i don't need to be that dramatic, probably just a "brain-fart") I am hoping that as i write , the idea will come back to me......but in the mean time i will talk about my 16yr old son. (cuz he just pissed me off, so i am going with that!)
If you saw my "Wordless Wednesday" last week...you know my son recently got his Learner's Permit. Here in Ct new laws have taken effect and the kids have to go through a mandatory Driver's Ed program. The program i signed him up for includes the 8hr Drug and Alcohol class, 8hrs of time with a Driving Instructor and then 30hrs in the classroom for the bargain price of $550.00. (yikes, i better get a good discount on insurance when he gets his License)
Today was his 2nd lesson with the Instructor Robin, they go out driving around for 2hrs at a time. When i picked him up, he was complaining she was a "pain in the ass"........uh, HELLOOO she is teaching you how to drive a deadly machine!!!! I would hope she is a pain in the ass, to me that means she is doing her job!! As he was driving home from lessons......i was thinking to myself "he still needs to practice a lot more!!" Pulling into our driveway, he went to park where my husband normally parks his truck and usually i don't say anything. But today my father-in-law was mowing the lawn and if Nick parked there, my father-in-law would have a hard time maneuvering the tractor to put it back in it's spot. (Last winter, my Father-in-law totally my car in our driveway.....long-ass story i will have to tell at another time!) Because of this we make sure all of our cars are out of his way!!!
I asked Nick to back up and put the truck in "my spot"......he proceeded to back up way tooo fast not cutting the wheel enough and almost drove on the lawn running over my father-in-law and their beloved poodle "Stewe"!! So of course i yelled "STOP" and he got sooo pissed at me......" YOU CAN'T FREAK OUT AT ME, IT MAKES ME FREAK OUT!" oh really buddy.... and i know this is just the begining (and i am sure he was saying some nasty things to himself in his head) we really don't fight at all and he really doesn't get snippy with me like i know teenagers can with their parents.I am soooo worried about when he gets his license and drives a car on his own and i am not there to yell "STOP or SLOW DOWN"
I don't want my 8yr old to grow anymore, he is at such a great age right now......gotta figure a way to stunt his growth!!
Recent Posts
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My Poor Pool
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Awwww, doesn't my poor pool look soooo lonely??
Here in Connecticut the weather is not very summer-like, even though Sunday marked the 1st official day of summer. My kids are done with school (my 8yr old has been done for a week already). We have been stuck in the house with the cool, rainy weather we have been having.
I am as white as a ghost and really need to work on my tan before we head to the Jersey Shore in a little less then a month. I have not really even obsessed about the "clothes switch-over", since there has been a need for jeans, long sleeve t-shirts and even sweatshirts, it is just "CRAZY".
So if anyone out there as any "pull" with Mother Nature.......could you please put in a good word for us poor folks and poor pools here in the Northeast.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Weigh-in Wednesday
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One Meal at a Time
Ugh, i really had a shitty week........i lost all motivation to stick to my plan. Didn't write one thing in my food journal, only did my Wii Fit once. Oh yeah, and i ate a couple Krispy Kreme donuts, pizza (2x's), a steak at 11pm one night and an Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich. I do blame my husband for all of these things....he brought home the donuts, made the steak and bought the ice cream sandwich on our trip to Sears where we went to look for a new dishwasher.
At the meeting tonight it seemed there were other women having the same issues. It made me realize we are all ADDICTED to food, just like an alcoholic!!! I figure if i did "90 meetings in 90 days" just like in AA, i would probably do alot better. I feel very inspired and motivated at my meetings and then i just "crap-out" the rest of the week.
I did gain 0.8lbs this week and i should be grateful, considering how i ate this week..., it could have been alot worse!! So i am just going to start from scratch again, get out my food journal and take it "one meal at a time".
Ugh, i really had a shitty week........i lost all motivation to stick to my plan. Didn't write one thing in my food journal, only did my Wii Fit once. Oh yeah, and i ate a couple Krispy Kreme donuts, pizza (2x's), a steak at 11pm one night and an Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich. I do blame my husband for all of these things....he brought home the donuts, made the steak and bought the ice cream sandwich on our trip to Sears where we went to look for a new dishwasher.
At the meeting tonight it seemed there were other women having the same issues. It made me realize we are all ADDICTED to food, just like an alcoholic!!! I figure if i did "90 meetings in 90 days" just like in AA, i would probably do alot better. I feel very inspired and motivated at my meetings and then i just "crap-out" the rest of the week.
I did gain 0.8lbs this week and i should be grateful, considering how i ate this week..., it could have been alot worse!! So i am just going to start from scratch again, get out my food journal and take it "one meal at a time".
Monday, June 15, 2009
Trying to "Go For It"
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I am posting today because i really want to do more then just my "Weigh-in Wednesday's". I have been tinkering around with my blog alot this week...tweeking little things here and there. I have absolutely no clue what i am doing!! I did add a couple new gadgets to my sidebar and i am very proud that i did it ALL BY MYSELF!!
I want to give an update on a couple things...... i did win the "election" at my son's elementary school for Co Vice-President!! I am looking forward to it, kinda....i guess!! EEK, i don't know, probably will be bitching about it in a future post..but for now i will just be happy i can help and hang out with a bunch of "fun" moms (we really do get along well and have alot of fun when we are together!)
My other update is on my Wii Fit....it is installed and i did use it for two days, then my laziness set in and i haven't been on it since. I will say i really do like the hula hoop game, i felt like for little pain or movement i did break a sweat and it was FUN! I am hoping to get back on it soon...but of course this morning i stubbed my pinky toe so freaking hard on a piece of door molding that i think i broke it!! *OUCH*
I am really going to try to get on this blogging bandwagon and get my act together!! The shy part of me is winning-out right now and i am trying to change that!! Gotta just put myself out there and go for it!!
I want to give an update on a couple things...... i did win the "election" at my son's elementary school for Co Vice-President!! I am looking forward to it, kinda....i guess!! EEK, i don't know, probably will be bitching about it in a future post..but for now i will just be happy i can help and hang out with a bunch of "fun" moms (we really do get along well and have alot of fun when we are together!)
My other update is on my Wii Fit....it is installed and i did use it for two days, then my laziness set in and i haven't been on it since. I will say i really do like the hula hoop game, i felt like for little pain or movement i did break a sweat and it was FUN! I am hoping to get back on it soon...but of course this morning i stubbed my pinky toe so freaking hard on a piece of door molding that i think i broke it!! *OUCH*
I am really going to try to get on this blogging bandwagon and get my act together!! The shy part of me is winning-out right now and i am trying to change that!! Gotta just put myself out there and go for it!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weigh-In Wednesday
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Ugh, i really didn't want to post this week..... i don't know why. I have only been posting once a week, so it is not hard for god's sake!!!
This week at Weight Watchers i lost -0.4lbs. I didn't weigh myself this week at home...so i had no idea how i was doing. It was my "time of the month" this week, so i guess i should take a loss of any kind as a "good thing"!!
As i sat in my meeting tonight i was looking through the menu of a new pizza place that had just opened!! To me, wednesdays are my day that i splurge ....i really don't eat much before my weigh in at 4:30pm. So i have several points saved up for my dinner. I know, it is not a good thing to do....but that is how i have always done it!! I was glad to hear from the lady who sits behind me every week, on the phone with her husband saying she wanted to go to "Anthony's" ( a great Italian place here). She does the same thing as me on wednesdays, that makes me feel not so bad!! lol
Finally my husband set up my Wii Fit today.....so we will see if that helps me out in my weight loss. I look forward to getting the hang of that and blogging about that too.
This week at Weight Watchers i lost -0.4lbs. I didn't weigh myself this week at home...so i had no idea how i was doing. It was my "time of the month" this week, so i guess i should take a loss of any kind as a "good thing"!!
As i sat in my meeting tonight i was looking through the menu of a new pizza place that had just opened!! To me, wednesdays are my day that i splurge ....i really don't eat much before my weigh in at 4:30pm. So i have several points saved up for my dinner. I know, it is not a good thing to do....but that is how i have always done it!! I was glad to hear from the lady who sits behind me every week, on the phone with her husband saying she wanted to go to "Anthony's" ( a great Italian place here). She does the same thing as me on wednesdays, that makes me feel not so bad!! lol
Finally my husband set up my Wii Fit today.....so we will see if that helps me out in my weight loss. I look forward to getting the hang of that and blogging about that too.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Weigh-In Wednesday
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Do You Weigh Yourself Everyday?
Hi everyone, i am here for another "weigh-in wednesday" and at tonight's Weight Watchers meeting i lost -2.4lbs for a total of -11lbs in 5 weeks!! I am soo happy about this i can't even tell you!!
I am one of those people who weigh myself every day (sometimes several times a day). My mom is constantly telling me not to do this, but i felt like if i saw the scale go up...it would keep me "in check". But i have found out this last week it has only STRESSED ME OUT!!! I was down about 2lbs for most of the week and it was making me sooo happy. See, I had my birthday party with my family at my house on Sunday. I felt if i had it here at my house i could control the types of food we had. I bought "lean" hamburger, "lite" hot dogs (2pts) , veggie's n' dip, salsa and "baked chips", my mom made a "healthy" pasta salad and "lite" cool whip/jello pie for my birthday "cake". Have to admit i did drink 3 Coors Light beers, but HELLO it was birthday after all!!!!
So, this morning i started my Wednesday ritual of weighing myself first thing in the morning (of course i weigh myself after i have pee'd) and when i saw that scale up 2lbs from the begining of the week, i was DEPRESSED!! i knew it wouldn't get any better as the day went on...i usually only have a late breakfast on wednesday's. I feel the need to weigh-in on an empty stomach or the scale won't read my "true" weight. ( I know this all must seem very unhealthy, maybe even a little obsessive) I was very discouraged and really felt like giving up, was telling my friend Cheryl that when i got home from my meeting that i was just going to go to McDonald's and eat a friggin Big Mac, why not!!?? All i could think about all day was, " look at what i eat now, and more importantly look at what i DON'T eat now and this is what i have to show for it???"
So when i got on "lucky scale #2" tonight and she told me i lost -2.4lbs, i was soooo shocked!!
I actually went over to my mother-in-law and leader and was jumping up and down like a lunatic!!! I have decided i am going to go this whole week without weighing myself at home!! I was shocked to find out how many people don't weigh themselves at home and only do it once a week at their meeting!
So, now i am happy and still on "track" just had a slight bump in the road!! Stay tuned because i purchased a Wii Fit yesterday...it was my birthday present to myself!!
Yikes, say a little prayer for me and my "39" year old overweight body!!!
Hi everyone, i am here for another "weigh-in wednesday" and at tonight's Weight Watchers meeting i lost -2.4lbs for a total of -11lbs in 5 weeks!! I am soo happy about this i can't even tell you!!
I am one of those people who weigh myself every day (sometimes several times a day). My mom is constantly telling me not to do this, but i felt like if i saw the scale go up...it would keep me "in check". But i have found out this last week it has only STRESSED ME OUT!!! I was down about 2lbs for most of the week and it was making me sooo happy. See, I had my birthday party with my family at my house on Sunday. I felt if i had it here at my house i could control the types of food we had. I bought "lean" hamburger, "lite" hot dogs (2pts) , veggie's n' dip, salsa and "baked chips", my mom made a "healthy" pasta salad and "lite" cool whip/jello pie for my birthday "cake". Have to admit i did drink 3 Coors Light beers, but HELLO it was birthday after all!!!!
So, this morning i started my Wednesday ritual of weighing myself first thing in the morning (of course i weigh myself after i have pee'd) and when i saw that scale up 2lbs from the begining of the week, i was DEPRESSED!! i knew it wouldn't get any better as the day went on...i usually only have a late breakfast on wednesday's. I feel the need to weigh-in on an empty stomach or the scale won't read my "true" weight. ( I know this all must seem very unhealthy, maybe even a little obsessive) I was very discouraged and really felt like giving up, was telling my friend Cheryl that when i got home from my meeting that i was just going to go to McDonald's and eat a friggin Big Mac, why not!!?? All i could think about all day was, " look at what i eat now, and more importantly look at what i DON'T eat now and this is what i have to show for it???"
So when i got on "lucky scale #2" tonight and she told me i lost -2.4lbs, i was soooo shocked!!
I actually went over to my mother-in-law and leader and was jumping up and down like a lunatic!!! I have decided i am going to go this whole week without weighing myself at home!! I was shocked to find out how many people don't weigh themselves at home and only do it once a week at their meeting!
So, now i am happy and still on "track" just had a slight bump in the road!! Stay tuned because i purchased a Wii Fit yesterday...it was my birthday present to myself!!
Yikes, say a little prayer for me and my "39" year old overweight body!!!